BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi launched an Android application called 'India272+', in order to achieve a magic figure of 272 in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.
The Android application enables volunteers to participate in open forum and share thoughts, ideas for upcoming speeches by Mr Modi. He had already launched a website named for the same purpose in August 2013 and also mentioned the ideas of the volunteers which were sourced through the website of India272 during his political speeches in Hyderabad, Rewari and Uttarakhand. As the craze for smartphones has increased, Modi looks forward to receive more feedback through this Android app.
The app allows volunteers to network, share pictures, blogs and news clippings. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp are integrated in the app to make sharing easy. This free Android app is available for download on Google Play.
Mr. Modi has been using the latest technology to connect with the young voters. As about 12 crore first-time voters are expected to exercise their franchise in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the NaMo (Narendra Modi) brigade wants to lose no opportunity to connect with them.
So if you are one of the NaMo (Narendra Modi) supporters, then go ahead and download the Android app 'India 272+' and feel free to express your views, thoughts and ideas.
The Android application enables volunteers to participate in open forum and share thoughts, ideas for upcoming speeches by Mr Modi. He had already launched a website named for the same purpose in August 2013 and also mentioned the ideas of the volunteers which were sourced through the website of India272 during his political speeches in Hyderabad, Rewari and Uttarakhand. As the craze for smartphones has increased, Modi looks forward to receive more feedback through this Android app.
The app allows volunteers to network, share pictures, blogs and news clippings. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp are integrated in the app to make sharing easy. This free Android app is available for download on Google Play.
"Launched India 272 mobile app. the app will further empower volunteers to contribute easily, effectively and creatively," Mr Modi tweeted. While launching the Android app, Mr Modi expressed confidence that it would go a long way in not only strengthening the bond between existing volunteers, but would also draw more volunteers to the India272 platform.
Mr. Modi has been using the latest technology to connect with the young voters. As about 12 crore first-time voters are expected to exercise their franchise in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the NaMo (Narendra Modi) brigade wants to lose no opportunity to connect with them.
So if you are one of the NaMo (Narendra Modi) supporters, then go ahead and download the Android app 'India 272+' and feel free to express your views, thoughts and ideas.
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