Microsoft India on Thursday, 26th December 2013 launched 'Guardian' a new safety app exclusive for Windows phone users in India.
Raj-Biryani, the managing director of Microsoft-IT India said that Guardian enables users to switch on a 'track me' feature in the app that lets friends and family track them in real time using Microsoft Windows Azure cloud services and Bing Map APIs.
"To use Guardian effectively, users need to add the names of friends, family members and security groups to the settings and in an emergency situation, the app can be used to alert them, via the SOS button. All the user has to do is tap the SOS button. The phone then sends a distress SMS to all buddy mobiles, notifying them of the emergency along with location details. At the same time the SOS button also sends emails to buddy email ID's and posts to private Facebook groups, if registered", a Microsoft official said.Guardian users can also call for help through the 'SOS' alert button and can also connect to security agencies, police and hospitals easily via this app in times of distress.
The phone can be traced even if it is broken. The application is capable of one touch video recording that may be used later as evidence, the official added. The app was developed over six months by a group of enthusiastic Microsoft employees in India, within the Microsoft Garage. Microsoft Garage is a global employee innovation initiative that gives Microsoft employees an outlet to explore ideas in their free time, Biyani said.Click on the following link to download the app : Download
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